O salata mai neobisnuita, dar cat se poate de savuroasa.
Avem nevoie de:
- 1 conserva de mix de boabe de fasole (540ml) se scurge zeama si se clatesc boabele
- 1 conserva de fasole neagra (540ml) se scurge zeama si se clatesc boabele
- 1 conserva de boabe de porumb (340ml) se scurge zeama si se clatesc boabele
- 1 ardei rosu taiat cuburi
- ceapa verde si/sau praz dupa gust
- 1 mango rosu taiat cuburi
- 1 chayote (seama la gust cu varul Dovlecel :) ) taiat cuburi
- zeama de la o lamaie
- 2 catei de usturoi dati pe razatoare
- 1 lingura de mustar Dijon
- 3-4 linguri de ulei de masline
- sare si piper dupa gust
Se pun legumele intr-un bol si se amesteca apoi se adauga sosul si se mai amesteca o data. Se da la rece cateva ore.
Excelenta combinatie de gusturi si texturi!
2 comentarii:
A great salad with these ingredients, however, I haven't seen chayote in shops in my Switzerland, I didn't even know what it was before I followed your Wiki-link.
I expected Romanian to be more difficult to understand, although, I honestly do not understand a lot of it but with some imagination and googling the recipe could be re-cooked, the photo helps, too.
Hi :)
maybe in asian stores you'll get lucky. Or you can replace it with a cucumber, witout seeds, cut in cubes.
I flirted with the idea of translating my recipes but time is not on my side unfortunately. Google ''translator'' is pretty good for ingredients.
But to make even easier here is the english version :) http://www.nooschi.com/2009/08/mango-and-bean-salad.html
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